The Problem
Finding original seats for your 95-99 GM Truck or SUV is near impossible for a variety of reasons. The cloth seats had the covers glued to the foam so they can't be repaired and the leather seats are too rare. If you do find a set that looks nice you also have to verify that the seat frame is structurally safe - broken welds are a common issue for this generation.
The Solution
Thanks to OBS Outpost you can now mount a wide variety of seats into these vehicles by using a pair of adapter brackets. The entire upgrade cost, including the brackets, is typical much cheaper than building these custom.
The newer GM seats are relatively easy to find and come in a variety of styles and colors. All of the seats below should work well with adapters offered by OBS Outpost. If you need more information or are in need of a Custom Seat build, for your older Truck or SUV feel free to Contact Us.